Buy Ether – The Anonymous Way to Crypto

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Fixed Rate
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You get
1 BTC ~ ETHExpected rate
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Exchange now
Fixed Rate
You send
You get
1 BTC ~ ETHExpected rate

Please be careful not to provide a smart contract as your payout address

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+ Add refund addressRemove refund address

Payment ID (optional)

Enter refund address

In case something goes wrong during the exchange, we might need a refund address so we can return your coins back to you

You send
1 BTC ≈ 53.201195 ETH
You get
estimated arrival minutes
refund address
destination tag
You send
to address
tx id
You get
to address
destination tag
Awaiting payment
Waiting for exchange
Sent to your wallet

You can buy ETH from exchanges or directly from wallets. There is also a possibility to buy Ether without registration with Krypto Swaps. Check which services you can use depending on where you live.

How anonymous crypto swaps work

Crypto exchanges are companies where you can buy cryptocurrencies with traditional currencies. If you want more control, buy ETH peer-to-peer. With a DEX, you can trade without giving up control of your funds to a central company.

How to buy anonymous Ether

Some wallets allow you to buy cryptocurrencies with a debit/credit card, bank transfer, or perhaps Apple Pay. Geographic restrictions apply. Decentralized exchanges are open marketplaces for ETH and other tokens. They provide a local connection between buyers and sellers. Instead of using a trusted third party to secure the funds within the transaction, they use a code. Please be careful not to give a reasonable contract as your withdrawal address, just in case something goes wrong during the exchange, we need a refund address so we can send your coins back to you.

This type of code is called a smart contract. More about smart contracts means there are fewer geographic restrictions than with centralized alternatives. If someone sells what you want and accepts a payment method you can offer, you’re good to go. With DEXs, you will be able to buy ETH with other tokens, PayPal, or perhaps by handing over profit person. To use a DEX, you will need a wallet.

What is Ether (ETH)?

Ethereum is an open-source blockchain with its own cryptocurrency (ETH). Although the 2 names are often used interchangeably, Ether (ETH) is technically the actual token and Ethereum is the blockchain technology behind the cryptocurrency. Ethereum was founded in 2015 by programmer Vitalik Buterin.

It is a decentralized public ledger that validates and records transactions. It also allows developers to create, publish and use smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) without requiring third-party services. Ethereum has spawned new cryptocurrencies, products, and services, including the trending non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Ethereum has become a marketplace for financial services, games, and apps, all of which can be purchased with ETH. ETH is the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization after Bitcoin.